Pizza, pop, donuts – foods that teenagers love were dished out during the annual Gales Grub event. During the sale, students and staff could purchase these items for a dollar each. Held during the lunch hours in the concession stand in the GAC area of Lancaster High School, long lines of students formed to buy the goods. Associate Principal Andrew Knuckles said the traditional event raises money for charity.

“Over $1200 was raised during the Gales Grub event. All of the food and drinks were donated and completely sold out during the four lunch periods at LHS,” he said.
Eighty nine pizzas, over 500 cans of pop, and seven dozen donuts were donated for Gales Grub.
“The traditional event was started in 2017 to support our Holiday Adopt-a-Family Initiative. Proceeds will go to shopping for families in need with the Fairfield County Sheriff’s Department,” said Knuckles.
Some teachers and staff members also donated their planning and lunch time to dish out the food.

“I volunteered to help because I am part of the PBIS team here at LHS. On this team, I collaborate with other teachers and administrators to prepare positive referral awards and to help with fundraisers throughout the year,” said LHS English teacher Hannah McKenney.
“One of the main reasons why I participate in Gales Grub is because the funds go directly to Adopt-a-Family where each class gets assigned a family during the Christmas season and can shop for Christmas presents for the children of that family, such as winter necessities and gifts,” she said.
“I technically have a lunch and another free period during the lunch periods so I feel like it is easier for me to volunteer than some of the other teachers,” said Holly Griffin, Gales Academy Coordinator.
“I like helping out our school in ways like this too, easy to do and it takes a village to run the building. I’m part of that village,” she said.

“Everyone deserves something under the Christmas tree and this is just an easy way to make sure that happens,” said Griffin.
LHS junior Mia Grigs said that she was happy to buy pizza knowing that it would benefit others.
“It is amazing to donate so we can help people who don’t have the ability to have a good Christmas.”

LHS sophomore Moira Mazarieos agreed with Griggs.
“It makes me feel happy that I can help people because that means that the money I spend will help someone else,” she said.
LHS sophomore Hunter Massic said that in hindsight, he wished that he had prepared to spend more.

“I wish I’d brought more money with me because I have always felt good about helping others,” he said.
LHS freshman Kaden Keller andjunior Ezequiel Pereyra bought an entire pizza pie for Gales Grub.

“We feel good about spending money for charity because it helps people get what they need,” said Keller.
Every school year, students and staff look forward to the Gales Grub fundraiser.
“The students get really excited about having pizza from all over town. It is fun to see how excited students get as well as knowing that all funds are going to a good cause,” said McKenney.