Lancaster High School art students used their artistic talents to create artwork recently for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Fairfield County, Ohio (BBBS). The students displayed their creativity and passion for art by painting the walls and lockers at BBBS location at the old Sherman building. Big Brothers Big Sisters matches adult volunteers with kids who need a positive mentor in their lives.

“I believe that giving students an opportunity to work for a cause higher than themselves provides benefits beyond painting skills, and include increased self-esteem with a job well done, as well as an understanding of helping those who may have less resources,” said Fish.

Jolyn Pugh, the Executive Director of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southeastern Ohio, commended the art students for their diligence and dedication to creating impressive artwork on the hallway lockers which were painted to look like the spines of books. BBBS wanted the design to illustrate the connection with their non-profit bookstore, The Big Book Nook, to the mentoring organization.
“The students who volunteered did such an amazing job and took time to ensure it was done to their standards. One student was not happy with the way her locker turned out and came back after school to finish the project. They were all encouraging of each other and excited to be a part of the creative day,” she said.

Another project included a mentoring word wall painted to connect the Big Book Nook customers to the mission of Big Brothers Big Sisters as they leave the store. Pugh said that the mural design created by the art students is very meaningful.
“The silhouette of a Big and Little walking through life together is amazing. It brings us to tears when we explain it to our guests,” she said.
“We wanted them to know what mentoring can do and that their purchase helped make that possible for so many youth. The projects were exactly like we envisioned. We are grateful to Mrs. Fish and her students for the gift they have given us. Their art will be displayed for the next 50 + years in our community,” said Pugh.

LHS senior Mia Harrison said that this project offered an opportunity to advance her artistic ability.
¨The thing that I enjoyed most about the field trip was being able to paint on a surface that wasn’t completely flat because it challenged my technical skills,” said Harrison.
LHS senior Reagan Nutter said that she thinks the field trip to BBBS was very successful.
“The part I enjoyed most about the field trip was being able to collaborate creatively withmy friends. We had prepared many days in advance so we had a very good system going to make sure everything ran smoothly,” she said.

LHS junior Zoe Lundy, who helped paint, said that she enjoyed the experience because it was a way to help the community.
“When you help out, life gets easier for others. It’s better to be kind than not,” she said.