Stick a fork in it; it’s almost done. The Lancaster High School graduating class of 2024 will wrap up their high school careers in a matter of a few days and weeks. Some of the graduates shared the fondest memories they made during their four-year career as a Golden Gale.

LHS seniors Sophia Rager, Judy Brown, and Ryan Appleman said that one of their cherished memories is of their participation in choir.
“The first choir concert of this year, it felt like a major part of my life. I was thinking that this is my last first concert of my high school career. I’m definitely gonna miss the adrenaline rush when the curtains open and I see the big crowd in front of me and seeing Mrs. McCoy’s smile before every song,” Rager reflected.

“The NYC trip the choirs took in the spring of ‘23. I had a lot of fun and it was a once in a lifetime experience. I really got to know some of my peers and I appreciate Mr. and Mrs. McCoy for their hard work they put into that trip,” Brown said.
“My favorite memory from high school was going to New York City with my friends from choir,” said Appleman.
LHS seniors Tiffany Ford and Jaxon DeLong both said that extracurricular courses such as journalism and book club helped them form friendships and connect with others they may never have gotten to know otherwise.

“High school was a rollercoaster for me, but some moments that I think about fondly are the ones when taking field trips with my book club or journalism class. In the book club we have a competition every year. We study all year to be prepared, but what sticks out during these trips are the bonding moments between the students and our leaders, Mrs. Cupeles and Mrs. Henderson,” said Ford.

“My favorite high school memory has to be in my junior year when my journalism class went to downtown Lancaster for a field trip to sell advertisements. But the best part of that day was when we all had lunch at Maria’s Mexican restaurant as a class. We all ate together, laughed, and shared so many things that day. I was so happy with everyone and was happy to get closer to those people in the class,” DeLong reminisced.
“I will always think about that day and how much I’ve actually come out of my shell because of journalism, and how much it has positively affected me,” she said.
“It’s similar to when we had our yearly trip for journalism. It gave students and Ms. Mendicino a chance to connect outside of the classroom. These instances resulted in friendships and more understanding and appreciation towards teachers,” said Ford.
It is healthy for young adults to form special memories. LHS Assistant Principal, Andrew Smeltzer inferred that it is up to each student to get involved and make memories while in school.
“Every action we make sets up a legacy for our lives. Being active in high school through clubs, activities and friendships makes the experience better. School can be tough, but with the help and support of friends and teachers, it is made easier and more enjoyable,” said Smeltzer.
For some senior students, special memories were made in part because of the wide range of experiences high school presents.
“My fondest high school memory was the Swinging Gales jazz band concert in the spring of 2022. It was my first time playing guitar for a large audience alongside my cousin Jonathan Carroll. We played a handful of songs, most of them were popular rock songs. The selection went over well with the audience and everyone seemed to have a good time,” said senior Landon Watson.

“My fondest high school memory would be hard to choose. I have so many, as in the Cavs game. A few other ones I have are competitions for Science Olympiad, Ghoulish Gales, and catering events for culinary,” said LHS senior Hayden Brothers.
“Making kites 10th grade year with Mr. Sharp and science teacher Mr. Griffin going into [the planetarium] with the stars and him showing it to us,” said senior Taylor Dingess.
Creating positive memories can improve mental health.
“When we create positive memories as an adolescent there is a greater likelihood that we will grow into adults who have a positive outlook on life, are able to use healthy coping skills, and have an overall higher self-esteem. Also, the act of recalling positive memories can help us to push away negative thoughts which benefits our overall mental health,” said Nikki DeLeon the LHS Family and Student Coordinator.
The social aspect of high school provided students with opportunities to get to know staff and students alike.
“My favorite memory through high school is meeting new friends and meeting new teachers that have become my favorite teachers and inspired me to be who I am today,” said LHS senior Maddie Faleide.
LHS seniors Marcus Colborn and Destiny Griffith said collaborating with classmates and on academic assignments was important to them.
“Working in group projects. Working in groups was one of the best parts because you’re able to gain new perspectives from others to create a successful assignment,” Colborn said.
“My favorite memory during high school was during my junior year. I loved working in the lab with my friends, learning how to take proper care of residents in Health Technology,” Griffith commented.
Traditional events that allowed students to build connections and school spirit meant a lot to some students. Seniors Alison Kraft, Kenzie Welch, and Reese Poston said that celebrating teams and clubs was special.

“My fondest high school memories come from the Friday night football games. The energy from everyone on those nights is like no other,” said Kraft.
“One of my all time favorite memories is walking into my very first pep rally as a senior and the seniors taking the win,” Welch said.
“My favorite memories are definitely the pep rallies. Having your whole class in one area all cheering and having fun is not an opportunity you get a lot since many of our students are online or at Stanberry. I always loved competing in the events and hearing my whole class cheering me on but also supporting people in the events you may not know the best or have a close relationship with is such a great feeling,” said Poston.