It’s not that easy. While upperclassmen can reflect on their freshman year and reminisce about transitioning from middle school to high school, the new 9th graders, LHS Class of 2027 students are still in the process of experiencing the transition from being a little kid to being a more experienced high school student in a more grownup environment.
Eye of the Gale touched base with a few freshmen and asked about their freshman experience so far this school year.
Freshman Emma Baker said that high school is somewhat different from what she originally expected.

“Ever since I was little I thought high school was going to be just like it is in the movies but that is not the case whatsoever, in the movies they make it seem so easy, like you don’t have to try at all,” said Baker.
According to research from the University of Hawaii, there are increased academic demands in high school and adolescents have more responsibility in making sure they complete their coursework and fulfill graduation requirements (“Transitioning from Middle School to High School”). This transition can be very stressful, especially when students are involved in sports.
“I do indoor and outdoor track, so keeping up with homework is much harder. When I’m home from both school and practice I just want to relax, but I can’t because I have to make sure my work is done,” shares Baker.
“When I get good grades on tests, quizzes, or assignments, It makes me happy. I consider that a success. Other successes for me would be, not only am I keeping up with school while in a sport, I am doing really well this season so far,” said Baker.
It is important to try and establish a positive mindset early on in high school to stay motivated and one freshman shared his thoughts.

“My successes this year are getting high honor roll for both quarters, getting better at acting, and helping with the set in drama club,” shared Matthew Miller.
It can be a struggle to reach out and ask for help when you need it. Freshmen were also asked to share what they think they could work on in the upcoming years of high school.
LHS freshman Ali Woodrum said her freshman year has been a challenge so far.

“I can improve my grades and the effort that I’m putting in, I just feel too overwhelmed and stressed so I kinda give up on myself but I need to start pushing through,” said Woodrum.
“Things I could improve on in the upcoming years of high school are trying to leave a good impression at LHS and trying to be a better person,” said Miller.
Don’t be afraid to reach out for help! LHS has plenty of resources. Reach out to teachers, counselors, or even upperclassmen for help.

Math teacher Stephen Davis said that teachers want to do what they can to help.
“The LHS staff is extremely accommodating and willing to help those who want to help themselves. If you show a
willingness to succeed, your teachers will support you all the way through,” said Davis.
Freshman English teacher Ashlin Henderson shared some ideas that freshmen can use to help them succeed before the school year is over.

“Stay focused and off your phones in class! We have a lot of fun in the 4th quarter, so you should participate in class and get your work done. It can be difficult to concentrate and focus on school in the spring, but finish the year strong so you’re ready for 10th grade,” shared Henderson.
English teacher Molly DiTomasso advises to keep attendance up and take advantage of free periods and time outside of school.
“My advice is to make attendance a priority and to focus on the work happening in class at that time. Use your study halls, after school, and on weekends to complete missing work. By using class time you create more missing work for yourself. Don’t be afraid to ask for help,” she said.