Taking Care of the Community
Varsity L gives back
February 16, 2023
Teenagers don’t always get credit for giving back to their community. But Lancaster High School’s Varsity L Club has a tradition of volunteering to make life better for others. Varsity L is a club for varsity athletes at Lancaster High School and

its goal is to not only give back but to pay it forward. Athletes who join Varsity L are on a mission to help the local community with their volunteer work.
James Crist, an LHS teacher, and sponsor of Varsity L said that the club teaches student-athletes to take responsibility and participate in their hometown.
“The major focus of the Varsity L Club is to get athletes serving the community. We want athletes to understand the importance of being active in the community and giving your time to help others,” said Crist.
Recently, members of Varsity L took a field trip to Geneva Hills campground in the Hocking Hills area, as part of the United Way Community Care Day. The students split and chopped wood, painted the kitchen area for people who camp there, and planted flowers.

“This is a one-day event where members of the community come together to volunteer and help improve a location throughout Fairfield County. We had students at Geneva Hills helping the camp get ready for the Friday Night lights. While other students were downtown with Destination Downtown helping them get ready for 250 plates,” said Emily Cordle, a coordinator for Community Care Day.
Community service brings people together to do some good. It freshens up Fairfield county and allows people to help their community. People who volunteer to be a part of helping their community really make an impact on the lives of others.
“Personally I love community care day. It’s a time I can work with others to complete a project for someone that will appreciate it greatly. You’re leaving a mark and that’s what I love. You could be walking around and say hey I did that, I helped out with that,” said Varsity L member Claire Loudon.
“Seeing the impact it makes on others is what I love. Everyone is so thankful and being able to help out is something that always brings a smile to my face. Something about giving back to my community is one of the greatest feelings ever,” she said.
Loudon described the club as a dedicated group of student-athletes from a wide range of sports who work together and who are driven by their shared devotion and appreciation of their community.

“The dynamic of the club is diverse and spread out with many varsity athletes from many different sports who all have their differences yet we can all share one thing in common, love for our community. The community is the one that comes to our games and supports us in our sports so why not give back?” she said.
In addition to the United Way Community Care Day, Prom Promise is another event that the Varsity L club participates in as a way to provide service to the school. Prom Promise is a nationwide campaign that encourages students to be sober, and drug-free and refrain from texting and driving during the school prom.
Loudon summed up the reason she enjoys clubs such as Varisy L and supporting organizations such as the United Way.
“I just truly love helping people! And I know that united way is an amazing organization, and that’s something I just wanted to be a part of. I was also able to hang out with my friends, teammates, and coach and make some pretty awesome memories.”