Go Gales Go!
LHS student section shows school pride
February 9, 2023
The student section has supported our sports teams all year long. Now it’s time to recognize them. Countless memories have been made in the student section, especially for the seniors who are showing Gale pride for their last year at LHS. The student section has had multiple themes throughout the year including jersey theme, red white blue, country theme, and Christmas in the summertime just to name a few.
Senior Maddie Green has been very supportive of our sports teams this year. She has been a part of the student section all year long.
“I support all of the sports at LHS, but mostly Girls Soccer, Football, and Boys basketball. I support Girls soccer because I was a part of the team. I enjoyed supporting football and boys basketball because they are the most supported sports at LHS. The student sections are bigger and the environment is very fun to be at,” said Green.
Green’s favorite memory in the student section was when the Boys basketball team beat Newark. That win for the Gales was special and the energy in the student section was unmatched.

“My favorite memory in the student section is when the Boys basketball team last home game of the season beat Newark. It was the biggest student section I have seen and the most involved student section, and the players came over to celebrate with us.”
Junior Parker Cohen has been a part of the student section as well. You can always count on Parker to express the theme of the student section.
“My favorite theme was senior night(senior citizen). I came dressed up as an old man and to walk in and see so many people look like they should not be sitting in a student section was almost comical,” said Cohen.
Parker supports our basketball teams the most. His favorite memory was also when the Gales defeated Newark on our home floor.
“The team I support most here is basketball because the games are always fun. My favorite time in the student section was at the last home basketball game against Newark in the 2021-22 season. It was red white and blue night and everyone was there. It was rowdy but that is what made it fun.”
Senior Sylvia Boyden has supported cross country, football, volleyball, and boys basketball this year. LHS is building a culture that is led by student support.
“I support our sports teams because it is a part of the school culture we have at LHS. All of our teams work very hard and deserve to be recognized and supported,” said Boyden.
The country theme was a fan favorite for the students. The themes make the student section what it is today.

“I liked the country theme that we did during football season. There was a lot of participation and I think the students had a fun time dressing up for it,” said Boyden.
When you’re in the student section and see your friend competing in a sport, it’s more engaging to watch. One of the reasons Maddie supports our sports teams is because she gets to cheer her friends on.
“I support our sports teams because I have always loved watching sports and when it’s people you know and are friends with it is even more enjoyable”
If you are new at LHS and want to be involved with the school, the student section is perfect for you. You can meet new people and make new friends.
“Someone that just enrolled at LHS should be interested in supporting our sports team because it can get them involved in something and they could make memories and friends with the students there as well,” said Green.
Cohen supports our sports teams because he knows it feels good to be cheered for. Parker is on our Tennis team so he enjoys when people are rooting for him.
“I support the teams here at LHS because I like to be involved. As someone who participates in sports, I know getting recognition and cheered for is a good feeling.”
LHS principal Mr. Burre wants students to show school spirit. Being involved in the student section shows your support for our athletes.
“Being engaged in a student section is the best way to provide top notch extra curricular activities to our students,” said Burre.