Band of Gold Spreads Joy With Music

Gives community concerts and personal performances

LHS percussion march down neighborhood streets to play for Lancaster residents.

Cora Dunn, Co-Editor in Chief

The Lancaster Band of Gold took to the streets after COVID-19 sidelined them at away football games. They inspired the community by marching in neighborhoods, local schools, and performed concerts at outdoor venues throughout Lancaster.

Lancaster residents, Aubrey and Debbie Beard. Photo courtesy of Debbie Beard.

Mr. Factor, Band of Gold director said he realized that the likelihood of safe travel to away games this school year was slim, and reaching out to the community was a great opportunity.

“While we always enjoy supporting our team, we rarely get a chance to get out into the community,” he said.

“The chance to take the Band of Gold into neighborhoods to give back to the community was something I thought would be really special this year,” said Factor.

While marching through the Medil Elementary school neighborhood, the band stopped to perform a personal tribute to a local resident suffering from cancer. Lancaster resident, Debbie Beard said the effort the band made to bring music to their family was wonderful, especially to her and her daughter-in-law, Aubrey.

“We felt very honored that they stopped at my daughter-in-law’s house and played for her as she has been battling cancer.”

LHS Senior, Kieah Hamric. Photo courtesy of Hamric.

Some Band of Gold members said they enjoyed playing for the community and felt it was the right thing to do to inspire the community during a very challenging time.

Lancaster Mayor Schaffer. Photo courtesy of Lancaster Eagle-Gazette.

“I think these concerts give people in the community a place to go where they can enjoy themselves and be safe with social distancing and other COVID-19 safety protocols,” said Kieah Hamric, an LHS senior trombone player,

“I think they are wonderful,” said Mayor David Scheffler about the Band of Gold community concerts.

LHS senior, Benjamin Jurecki.

“I think it made people have a new appreciation for who the band is and what they are capable of.”
Benjamin Jurecki, an LHS senior sousaphone player said the band was not just performing concerts, but a civic service.

“I think these concerts contribute a real sense of community. It allows for those in the community who aren’t able, the ability to see the band free of charge.”

“The band was a huge blessing to the entire neighborhood, as we are all experiencing different times due to COVID,” says Beard.