Boch Displays Kingly Attitude

Coming Home Dance 2020

LHS senior, Zach Boch was crowned the 2020 Coming Home King.

Ben Munroe, Entertainment Editor

The Coming Home Dance at Lancaster High School this year was met with the regular naysayers who complained about the music, but one person stood out who put a positive spin on the traditional event. Zach Boch was named the Coming Home king. His crown is something he wears daily; a can-do, go-get-’em attitude.

“It felt really great being on the court for my senior year. I’ve never been a part of the court and I wanted to do something this year to make an impact and leave my legacy at Lancaster High School,” he said.

Boch is very humble about his victory that night and praised his competitors.

“It felt really good winning the title of king. There were so many candidates that deserved to be king just as I wanted to and it was great running against them,” said Boch.

“Everyone who voted for either me, Tanner, or Bryce, had their reasons for why they wanted one of us to be king. I really don’t know the reasons people voted for me as king, but I’m glad that people decided to vote for me.”

LHS 2020 Coming Home Court.

Studies on youth development show that while parents are usually the number one influence over their children before the age of 18, one’s peers are likely second. If you ask teenagers, they will likely say their friends or school peers are the number one influence in their lives (Youth Today, 2019).

“It really comes down to how the students see you for who you are and what you have done. If you are loyal to yourself and other students, then you’ll be treated the same way,” said Boch.

“That’s why they vote for you. It’s not a popularity contest, but more of how much the students respect and see you.”

But most people remember high school with an emotional mixture of longing, regret, joy, and embarrassment.

“Even the music from those years gets imprinted on the brain like nothing that comes later,” said Frank T. McAndrew, Cornelia H. Dudley Professor of Psychology, Knox College.

Research on memory shows that the strongest memories come from things that happened between the ages of 10 and 30. If the research is accurate, in the future, Boch will have every reason to look back at his high school experience as the good old days.