Band of Gold Winning Legacy Continues

Superior rating at state competition

David Bui, Editor in Chief

Emma Mace, LHS senior and field commander with the Band of Gold. Photo courtesy of Ben Factor.

The Lancaster High School Band of Gold received a superior rating at the state competition in Dayton, on November 2. This is the 39th time in school history that the band has qualified for the highly competitive competition.

LHS band instructor, Ben Factor, said the band’s tradition of winning has to do with dedication.

“It is the ultimate test of a band member’s dedication and perseverance. This truly shows the dedication and should make the band very proud of their progress throughout the season,” he said.

One of LHS’s field commanders, Emma Mace, an LHS senior, said that their victory is due to the band’s diligence.

“I believe what led up to us getting a one (the highest rating) was keeping our focus on what actually matters,” said Mace.

LHS sophomore and flute player, Skye Holtel, with the Band of Gold.

The band which is made up of more than 100 students, also earned high scores in local and regional competitions. Overall, high school band competitions have a reputation of being fierce. Throughout the year, area bands compete for the title and reputation of the best of the best.

LHS sophomore and flute player, Skye Holtel, explains how cutthroat competitions can be.

“These competitions are usually extremely competitive. As the years have gone on, the marching band has gotten more complex,” she said.

“You now just don’t have to play and march but do visuals, use advanced techniques, and work together as a group efficiently,” said Holtel.

LHS senior and clarinet player, Mallory Scott, with her family on Senior Night. Photo courtesy of Ben Factor.

LHS senior and clarinet soloist Mallory Scott, described the demanding and advanced techniques the band must incorporate in their routine.

“We are playing multiple pieces of music that require some critical technique. I had never really experienced this type of challenge until this year and it’s been very interesting to find a way to overcome this obstacle,” Scott said.

A major event that led up to the Band of Gold being able to compete in the OMEA State Marching Band Finals was

their Band of Gold Invitational, hosted in Lancaster, where they also achieved a ‘superior’ rating.

As the tradition of winning on the prestigious state level, Factor says there is nowhere for the Band of Gold to go but up.

“I am extremely hopeful that next year’s band can continue to raise the bar,” he said.